GreenArk FORAGE, is specifically designed for horses with limited access to the plants and herbs they would naturally find in the hedgerow, and is a much-needed solution particularly for horses stabled over winter and for those out in over-grazed and bare paddocks.
The equine gastrointestinal tract is made up of a complex consortium of microorganisms called the microbiome. It is estimated that there are about 1000 microorganisms that compose it, with about 160 described species
The microbiome plays an essential role in both health and disease. Horses are foragers, seeking out what they know is good for them. Various scientific studies* show that a healthy microbiome (gut flora) is a diverse one; full of a wide range of plant material. For horses with limited grazing or especially in winter with bare fields, it is impossible for them to acquire those different plant species without food supplements.
The diversity and density of an animal’s microbiome can be affected by many nutritional factors, and a narrow microbiome can indicate poor health. When the microbiome is out of balance (dysbiosis), it can lead to health issues like GI disorders and metabolic diseases. Factors that can cause dysbiosis include diet changes, stress, disease, and antibiotic use.
GreenArk’s coarse blend of hedge-herbs and berries has been carefully blended to provide your horse with the variety of plant material they would normally acquire through natural and wide pasture grazing.
What Herbs we use and why? (You could pick your own, but we’ve done the work for you !!)
Nettles are primarily diuretic and blood cleansing therefore often used for laminitis and arthritis to clear congestion. Nettles are also excellent for horses competing in very strenuous or power demanding activities. Do not give to mares in foal.
Both Hawthorn berries, leaves, and flowers can increase circulation and act as a cardiac tonic. Hawthorn berries can help with digestion, may help increase stamina, help relieve stress and anxiety, and can support the immune system.
Fenugreek was traditionally used to help increase the weight of horses and cattle. It can help with digestive support, skin and coat condition as well as stimulating the appetite.
Cleavers/Clivers – used to support the lymphatic and urinary systems, also rich in silica to help strengthen hair healthy coat condition. it can also help with filled legs and soft swellings. Ideal for stabled or elderly horses.
Marigold Flowers – used as a blood tonic, it can help support healthy skin, gastric and urinary function as well as helping soothe the digestive tract.
Seaweed – naturally high in trace elements and minerals, provides a broad spectrum of natural vitamins and amino acids. It is great for a shiny coat and particularly good for hoof strength.
Burdock Root has wide benefits for the horse including digestive, liver and kidney support. Burdock Root contains inulin, a soluble prebiotic, which supports digestion, healthy gut bacteria and is used for overall skin health. As a root vegetable, it possesses considerably stronger antioxidant activity than common vegetables and fruits.
Rosehips are one of the best sources of natural iron and vitamin C while also containing high levels of natural biotin. anti-oxidant to encourage healthy liver, kidney and circulatory function.
Dandelion Leaf is known for its positive effect on both the urinary & digestive systems, it can encourage healthy urination, and supports liver and kidney health.
Meadowsweet has been used for centuries to provide joint and muscle support, maintain the stomach?s pH balance to reduce acid production and enable normal dropping formation.
Mint leaves calms digestive tension, helps with flatulence and soothes the digestive system. Appetising and Ideal for fussy eaters.
How to feed:
This aromatic blend can be fed dry or and added to their daily feed or feed as an infusion which helps the active ingredients become more easily absorbed by your horse.
1. Put the daily required amount of herbs in a tub (200g daily based on a 500kg horse)
2. Add 1/2 pint (300ml) of boiling water to the herbs, mix and then allow to cool
3. When cooled, the whole infusion (including the herbs) can be used to dampen down your horse?s feed.
If you don’t have access to a kettle, you can soak your herbs overnight and this will also help your horse absorb the natural vitamins, minerals & active ingredients.
Unsuitable for pregnant or lactating mares.
Not suitable for horses competing under FEI or racing rules.
Please allow a minimum withdrawal period of two weeks.
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