A traditional remedy for smelly or itchy ears (commonly known as canker) usually caused by mites, or a build-up of wax,
Brown, waxy scabs inside ears are caused by mites. Scabs may be dry or weep, or have globs of pus which smell. Symptoms are scratching, head shaking, ear rubbing and distress. Red sores, inflammation and blood clots may be caused by scratching.
Thornit can help particularly for dogs who hate ear drop cleaners.
Treatment: Do not clean earwax before dusting the ear with Thornit. Remove any excess moisture and lightly dust a pinch of powder around the affected area avoiding the earhole itself. Use a small make-up brush to pick up a small amount from the bag. Gently massage the powder around the ear. Apply twice daily for up to 5 days. Immediate relief comes iwththe first dose. Stop treatment when the brown wax moves, as this indicates the mites are dead. Then gently clean out the ear.
Dust weekly to prevent re-infestation.
- Anus – If your pet pulls its bottom on the floor and it is not diagnosed as a gland problem, it could be mites breeding under the tail.
- Treatment – Apply a small amount of cream to your finger and dip into the Thornit powder. Apply just below tail. Use rubber gloves for hygiene.
- Paws – Put a small amount of Thornit into a clear plastic bag, put your do?gs paw in the bag and shake. Work Thornit between toes, pads, and a little way up the leg.
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